Typical Daily Routine:
7:30 Free play*
- The majority of social and emotional learning occurs during free play.
- Free play allows the teachers to make observations about the children’s skills.
- Free play highlights the interests of the children and their learning styles.
8:45 Circle Time
- Circle Time helps children to feel safe and to understand the routine for the day.
- Circle Time is a great time to practice safe hands, calm bodies, and listening ears.
9:00 Snack and Gym play
- We have a full sized gymnasium in which we eat and play.
- Our gym offers a variety of gross motor options, including but not limited to a ball pit, ride-on toys, and a balance beam.
9:40 Chapel
- Our daily chapel lessons are led by Church leaders and based on Bible lessons.
- Chapel consists of three songs with actions, a Bible story, and a prayer.
10:00 Outside
- We prioritize outside time unless the temperature is below zero or their is significant sleet, ice, or lightning.
- We have a significant garden and a nearly one-mile prayer trail which are utilized whenever the weather allows.
11:00 Lunch, then free play
- Parents pack the lunches. There are no nuts allowed.
- We supervise, but we cannot make your child eat anything. Please pack things that are nutritious and that you already know they will eat.
12:30 Special Guest Teacher
--Monday music with Jen
--Tuesday garden/cooking w/ Margaret
-- Wednesday Yoga with Audrey
-- Thursday Art with Catharine
**(We suggest half-time students leave here at 1:00)**
1:15 Nap/Rest Time
- Nappers have a quiet room for rest time. It is always supervised. Parents provide a small pillow, blanket, and a stuffie or other special comfort item if desired.
- All three-year-olds must at least lay down and try to nap. Four-year-olds have a choice to stay up after trying to nap for 20 min (unless parents have specified that they need to nap), and five year olds do not have to nap.
2:30 Snack
- Parent-provided snack time.
3:00 Organized gym time
3:30 Visual Art with Annie or Adelie
4:00 Outside
5:00 End of Day wrap up