The Premise...
Jesus once said: "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."
Do you feel like your life is abundant? Are you desiring more out of life? Do you wish to deepen your relationship with Jesus and others around you?
The "they" Jesus was referring to includes you and me! do we access this abundant life?
This new group: Joyfully Following Jesus (JFJ) - is about just that. The purpose of the group is for women to find meaning, purpose, and joy as they grow in maturity in Christ and then invest in others to the same end.
So...what's JFJ like?
Several components make this a unique ministry: worship, micro-groups (see below), teaching how to follow Jesus, focusing on investing in others for God’s Kingdom, discovering personal meaning and purpose in Jesus, and utilizing spiritual disciplines to foster spiritual growth. At the end of the course, we’ll instruct on and encourage the creation of a personal ministry mission statement.
During our micro-group time, we’ll process through a biblical study on the 4 H’s of Joy-filled Jesus Followers–the head, heart, hands, and habits of those who align their lives to Jesus. Some of the topics include: Who I Am–A Sinner Saved by Grace, Transformed by Love, Empowered to Live by the Spirit, and Christlike Commitment to Discipleship.
While we anticipate this will allow for meaningful fellowship, we want to stress that there is responsibility in participation in order for this whole thing to work. Everyone benefits when each of us are committed to the following: a spirit of openness and transparency, commitment to group success, being available weekly, having a teachable heart, being grace-filled, and having a willingness to make room in your life for consistently practicing spiritual disciplines.
It may sound like a lot. It is. But following Jesus requires a commitment of our time, energy, and resources. We hope that you’ll find, as we have, that when we shift our perspective and priorities to be in alignment with Jesus’ will for us, blessings more than overflow!
Please prayerfully consider participating in this group and inviting 2 or 3 of your friends to join you in this journey. The Lord has big things planned for us and we sincerely hope you’ll join in the fun! Let us know if you’re in, so we can make space for you. Group Leader contact information below (or sign up here):
Maura Leinonen:
Karyn Fay:
What's a Micro-Group?
Micro-groups are small groups of people (4 or less) that gather to discuss intimately their challenges and growth in their walk with Jesus and others. For most of our meeting time we’ll be split up into micro-groups. This is where most of the learning and sharing will take place.
Do you know 2 or 3 women you could invite to this group who could be in your micro-group? They don’t have to go to our church or any church (which is even better!). This would be perfect for someone who is interested in learning more about what Jesus is all about or someone who is hungry for more of Jesus in her life.
Sign Me Up!
Are you interested in growing closer to Jesus right now, or do you know someone who would benefit from having a closer relationship with Jesus? We think you’d greatly benefit from this new women’s group that will start on January 27th and meet on Monday evenings from 6-7:30pm for 12 weeks. It’s called Joyfully Following Jesus, and we think it will be a blast! Click the link below to join. (If there's enough interest, we will offer a Zoom option for those who aren't local or can't attend in person to participate virtually.)
Okay...if I wasn't convinced got me now! Sign me up!
JFJ Testimonials
"I would tell [someone considering JFJ] it is a great experience. It helped me to learn so much more about what our purpose in Christ is, and how the more you read the Scriptures, the more you understand God's will....How reading the Scripture and praying daily helps in our understanding of our purpose, by letting the Holy Spirit guide us." --Carol Garnell
"Joyfully Following Jesus has reminded me of the joy of doing and living the life that Jesus wants me to live. I so appreciated meeting with our sisters who journeyed with me in JFJ." --Joan Hembroff
"It has deepened even more this second time around doing JFJ . I’ve been able to process very tough/ evil/ worldly ideas and mindsets that some of my family follow. I can’t fix it, yet I can ‘pray around and through it’. By ‘turning my eyes directly to Jesus’ in these difficult situations, I’m able to have peace and comfort within while leading by His example." --Anonymous
"I think God does a lot in our hearts when we show up to groups like this! We have the opportunity to learn from others and share our life with them. I appreciated getting to grow in my relationship with the Lord and then hearing other people’s thoughts about the study that continued to help grow my understanding as well." --MiKayla Chandler
"Attending JFJ not only helped create good habits of spending daily time in the Word, but the importance of connecting with women of all ages who love learning and sharing in God’s love." --Jessica Jukuri
"JFJ was a building experience. We built upon our faith, our understanding, and the joy that God brings. We built relationships, compassion, and self awareness. I look forward to more, and more of all of it!" --Alison Pontynen
"Being involved with JFJ made me realize that having a relationship with Jesus isn't a religion. It's just that, a relationship between the individual and Jesus. It was wonderful being with women to discuss God's word and share experiences!" --Karyn Ruohonen-Rudak
"The journey of a group of women “Joyfully following Jesus” put many things in a clearer perspective for myself. You see, we all know there are times in life that are very hard; we may be grieving, we may have anxiety, we have hard people to deal with, we may have health issues that are non curable, we may not like our job, or our life may not have turned out exactly as we planned, but the Bible points us to peace, comfort, love, forgiveness (through repentance), humbleness, and joy in following Jesus...You can find happiness in life regardless of the situation you are in at this moment. The Bible points to God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). By using the tools God has given, I am better equipped to deal with life’s daily struggles. When feeling anxious, fearful and worrying about something and not able to fall asleep, I’ve learned that memorized scripture is an internal healing balm. Replacing worries and anxiety with direct focus on the words from Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11-13, John 3:16 bring an indescribable comfort. The ‘situations’ in life may not immediately change, but these memorized scriptures have certainly been a valuable tool that have changed me from within and helped me better deal with the ‘hard stuff’ of life and point me in the direction I should turn (Jesus)." --Teresa Stachowiak
Discipleship Testimonials
"While I worked at Michigan Tech, I was the faculty advisory for the His House Christian organization on campus. I was able to disciple both the women and men His House interns for several years. (How that all happened is a story in itself!) Once I retired from MTU, that opportunity wasn’t available to me anymore. I had been praying for another opportunity to open up for me when I was approached about a discipleship program and asked if I was interested. I didn’t even have to think about it as it was an answer to my prayer! And here we are now, ready to share the joy of following Jesus with other women!" --Karyn Fay
"Being in a discipleship class with two other God-fearing ladies has been amazing! Not only do I have a deeper relationship with them, but also a much deeper relationship with the Lord. I look forward to meeting with them each week, and truly I crave learning more about His Word!" --Nicole Spence
"It has been amazing to have been brought out of a place where I didn't have God or the Bible. When Dave and I got married, we made a promise to attend church weekly and that's when I was introduced to God's light. Years later, when I started in a discipling relationship, a whole new world was opened up to me as I began to read the Bible on a regular basis. I am learning so much and am hungry for more and more of God's word. He has helped me shift my priorities and helped me stay calm in difficulties when before I wouldn't have handled them so well." --Paula Monroe
"Discipleship has opened my eyes to see the meaning and importance of relationships. For me, it means doing life with someone else, intentionally walking alongside someone in order to seek and grow closer to Jesus in every aspect of my life. This has helped me to see that God is a relational God. That God is not just a big God, but He is a God of the smallness, too. He's not just a Master Weaver of the bigger picture, but He is a God of detail. And He is present in every aspect, in every situation of my life, whether I've noticed it in the moment or not. Discipleship has helped me become more attuned to what He is doing in my life, and has grown me closer to other women who are there to support me in my spiritual journey as well. It's a matter of doing the daily with Jesus and letting Him be the root of every aspect of my life, and working through the thick and the thin of it with other believers." --Danelle Leinonen